
おおたかの森校ブログ☆What are you doing?

Otakanomori Blog

Hello! I’m Michael at Otakanomori.

This week in 2nd class we talked about verbs ending with ‘ing’.

What are you doing? What is he/she doing?What are they doing?

We had a lot of fun acting out the different verbs like “I am sleeping . He/She is listening .They are jumping!”

We had fun acting out and guessing 20 different verbs!


今月の2ndクラスでは‘ing‘を使って“What are you doing?“や“What is he/she doing?“”What are they doing?“のような進行形を学んでいます。

“I’m sleeping. He/She is listening. They are jumping!“など、体を使って動詞と同じ動きをしたり、20の動詞でジェスチャーゲームをして楽しみました。

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