Hello It’s Joseph. Here for a new Annex blog post. Let’s find out what’s
happening in the 3rd class!
We have a new Q and A, with questions like “Do you have any brothers or
sisters ?“ and “Do you have any pets?”.
Next we have phonics. Week 1 is about the “ss” phonic (like the sound a
snake makes) used in words like “less” and “mess”.
We are continuing to learn the song “Friday I’m in love “. Good for
memorising days of the week.
Lastly,for the first week, we are talking about things that we do in the
evening. For example, eating dinner and brushing our teeth.
Do you have any pets ? and what do you do in the evening?
Thanks for reading and see you next time!
次はフォニックスです。 week1は、”less”や”mess”で使用する「ss」フ
「Friday I’m in love」という曲を 続けて勉強しています。 曜日を覚えるのにとても最適です。
最後に、week1では夜にやることについて話しています。 例えば、夕食を食べて歯を磨くことです。