Hello it’s Kendall at Annex. Summer is here. It is hot everyday. My
favorite season is summer so I am happy but there are many things that
we need to survive the heat.
Let me ask the teachers and staff at Annex what they use in the summer
to beat the heat.
Liz: Rubbing Aloe on your skin helps for sunburn.
Joseph: I need mini fans, cold/iced drinks and short sleeved t shirts
Serina: I like to eat shaved ice.
Yoko: Use cooling body wipes and don’t go outside.
Kendall: I eat a lot of watermelon and ice cream.
Water is also really important. Please bring your water bottle to Handz
and drink if you need to.
Joseph: ミニ扇風機、冷たいドリンク、半袖Tシャツが必要不可欠です。
Serina: 夏はかき氷を食べるのが好きです。
Kendall: 夏はスイカとアイスクリームをたくさん食べています。
水は本当に大切です。 必要に応じてペットボトルを持参して飲むようにしましょう。