Hello everyone! It’s Colin from Otakanomori.
In Chicago and other parts of the Midwest, we have a saying called
“False Spring” or “Fool’s Spring.” It’s a common joke where I’m from.
One warm day fools everyone into thinking winter is over, only for the
cold to return.
Japan has its own version of this unpredictability: San-Kan-Shi-On
(三寒四温)—three cold days followed by four warm days. Just like in the
U.S., it’s hard to predict exactly when it will happen, but it signals
the slow transition to spring.
I love winter when there’s snow, but without it, everything feels bare
and monotone. That’s why I look forward to False Spring. Soon, Japan
will be painted in color, with cherry blossoms, arguably the country’s
most iconic symbol, which brings the season of renewal.