Hi, this is Olivia from Otakanomori. Traditional Japanese culture is
something that I always wanted to explore as a child. I was happy to
experience it after moving here.
Calligraphy was once a way to communicate. Nowadays, it’s become an art
form that’s simple yet complex. There are many types of strokes and
moving the brush isn’t easy. However, it’s very exciting to finish a
piece because it’s your original creation. I enjoy tea ceremony as well.
Like calligraphy, there are many steps and there’s an elegance to it
that’s hard to describe. Sometimes it’s difficult to sit in seiza and
prepare the tea correctly. But in my opinion, there is nothing more
delicious than Japanese wagashi sweets with a well-made cup of matcha
green tea. If you have the chance, you should try matcha made in the
traditional style with a whisk. It is fragrant and has a beautiful green
color. In my opinion, Japanese arts are a great way to learn about
Japan, so everyone should try them at least once. You may be surprised
by what you learn about yourself, too!
I also hope that learning English at Handz will give you the opportunity
to experience foreign cultures.
かつて書道はコミュニケーションの手段でした。 今では、シンプルでありながら複雑な芸術となっています。
私は 茶道も好きです。 書道と同じく、たくさんのステップがあり、言葉では言い表せない
正座をして正しくお茶を点てることは難しくもあります。 しかし私は、よく点てられた抹茶と和菓子ほどおいしいものはない