Hey, everyone, RaeLee here! Now that October has begun, that means it’s
almost time for Halloween and spooky games here at Handz. This month’s
4th grade game is all about making some tasty and creepy Halloween
foods! From Pumpkin Pie to Zombie’s Lunch, students must collect
ingredients by saying what they want to make and what they should use to
make it. This game always brings out their competitive spirit… and makes
me hungry!
As a matter of fact, Halloween is a very popular holiday in the United
States, and so is making Halloween-themed treats. If you like Halloween
too, then how about making some real spooky treats at home? Here’s an
easy recipe to try: all you need is strawberries, and some white and
dark chocolate. First, dip the strawberries in white chocolate, then add
some dark chocolate spots for eyes and mouths, and BOOM, you have some
cute and yummy ghosts!
What are your favorite things to eat on Halloween?